

Kids explore yoga with song, play


Show you that mindfulness isn’t just for adults.


Now we have a new way of teaching yoga.Teach children in a kidding way around yoga program, which uses songs, books and props.


Toddlers lay in a circle breathing quietly. No, it wasn’t nap time — yoga time.


Yoga is having its moment nationwide, as trendy and often expensive studios pop up from coast to coast. But at its root yoga is about moving your body, being mindful and controlling your breath.


That’s why yoga teachers thinks it’s a great fit for little ones.


We usually teach breathing when kids are upset.But what about while they are happy?


Let children run around in a circle, getting some of their jitters out first. Then they sit on their mats and do a simple “peace begins with me” chant to begin. Unsurprisingly, some toddlers were more focused than others.

When the children stretch out their arms by miming sitting and watching TV and reaching around to grab pretzels. Guide them to alternate being animals — cats and cows — as they moved through more traditional yoga poses.


The sound of “moos” and “meows” fill the air as children make noises along with the poses. That include barking and howling during downward facing dog. Other positions were taught through a story that flowed along with music.


This is a new style of a global program called Kidding Around Yoga, a curriculum designed to encourage children to be active, build confidence and manage their emotions. The program sneaks yoga poses into partner exercises, games, activities, storytelling and even music.


The skeletons of yoga, like breath and deep relaxation, are the same. The only rule? Stay on your mat unless otherwise asked.


At the end of the program families were invited to a free yoga night — where kids could share what they learned.It can bring us up and bring us back down agai.The main goal is for them to rest at the very end.


At peace with kids and understands some might have traumatic pasts to come to terms with. We hopes yoga is one way for them to cope.
